Family Trip to Yellowstone

Over Memorial Day weekend, we packed up our silver minivan and started the 16 hour car ride up to Idaho. Kyle’s family has a cabin close to West Yellowstone in Island Park, ID. We must’ve been a little crazy planning this trip with two toddlers and such a long trip! The boys really did great!Continue reading “Family Trip to Yellowstone”

Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts!

Where are men so hard to shop for? Is it that they only have expensive taste or most the things they like can’t be wrapped? Or how about that they always end up buying everything they want anyhow? Either way it can be challenging! Over the years, however, I’ve come up with a pretty listContinue reading “Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts!”

What I’ve Learned After 4 Years of Marriage

I’m crazy. Juuuust kidding!! But wow! Four years! Honestly if feels like it should be more. Four years have flown by! We sure have packed these four years. We’ve had two kids. Graduated BYU. Applied, interviewed, and got in to Dental School. Had countless jobs! Lived in 3 apartments and two states. Just SO MUCH!Continue reading “What I’ve Learned After 4 Years of Marriage”

Leprechaun Bait

We love celebrating holidays in this family! Especially those random food holidays that make the perfect excuse to eat out! With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to make some special treats with my favorite little helper! If your toddler is anything like mine, they are literally ALWAYSContinue reading “Leprechaun Bait”

Diaper Bag Review

Having a diaper bag strapped to my shoulders has become an everyday accessory for me and my mama style, as I am sure is true for you mamas! There are so many cute styles, colors, and don’t get me started on brands. Do you choose what’s trendy? Is leather going to be better than cloth?Continue reading “Diaper Bag Review”

What’s in my diaper bag? MUST HAVES

One of my biggest downfalls is that…I CAN NOT pack light! At this point I think it’s an actual condition I may never get resolved! Buuuut can you really blame a girl for wanting to be prepared!? I have a toddler now, and my diaper bag resembles that. Although there are still many similarities inContinue reading “What’s in my diaper bag? MUST HAVES”

4 EASY tips to grow your hair!

This is a tale of two heads of hair. One very dry, damaged, brittle mop of hair, if you could call it that. & one long, healthy, perfectly colored head of hair. Unfortunately for me, my hair was the former. I’m a long time bleacher & hot tool user, with chronic dry scalp. When IContinue reading “4 EASY tips to grow your hair!”